Tanja Dufrene

About the author

It all started with a couple of simple requests – would I lead the women’s ministry at our local church; and then a few years later – would I teach a ladies Bible study. Something within seemed to scream, ‘YES,’ while on the exterior I proceeded with caution, perhaps trepidation. Finally resolving to respond with a weak ‘yes’ as each prompt was presented, I found myself on a journey of which I never dared to dream. Am I really an author now? Even now at times I think I’m still not so sure about this, but I have learned to say ‘yes’ at each critical moment. So now here we are … how many books and blogs later? The first ‘yes’ led to a series of emails, one each week, sent to the ladies group. I found that many sincere, yet busy or distracted souls were simply disconnected from a most powerful soul source. They were not reading, much less studying, The Holy Bible. In an effort to fuel frayed minds and spark interest, I began to write short story like reads and emailed them to those interested. As all things do with the passing of time, things eventually changed, and I found myself no longer leading the ladies group. But the short-story emails continued to call to me. Again saying ‘yes’ to a number of prompts, many of these quick reads found their way into my first book – Artesian Zeal. With little surprise, more ‘yes’ responses and the passing of time, I later found myself writing the Warrior of the Word series (Rogue, Redeemed, Revealed, Rewarded, and the yet to be released, Renowned). As you might have guessed, these were the Bible study lessons shared with yet another group. Of course, all of this and I, am still a work in progress. But I hope you will enjoy and be enriched as you dare to dive deep with me into the insights and intrigues that have come to define a passion I’ve newly discovered - writing. Now I am writing and sharing and still wondering just where all of this will lead. But if you will, join me and we will explore treasures and teachings and thought provoking perceptions to aid you along life’s way. Learn more at my website: www.WarrioroftheWord.faith. Blessings -tanja Blessings on all who reverence and trust the Lord – on all who obey him! Psalm 128:1 tlb

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